Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Probably the best internship I will ever have


approximately 800 miles a week.
approximately 15 hours a week in the car.
approximately $80 a week for gas.
definitely worth everything I am learning

Since Monday May 6th I have been commuting back and forth from Muncie to Ft. Wayne each way, daily. The math above seems like a lot but man is it worth it. (Shout out to my parents for helping out with gas!)

I could go on and on with details most of you won't understand but I won't waste your time. Just know it's everything I thought it would be and more.

Here is a glimpse of my average day:
     6:40a wake up  
     7:30a leave Muncie
     8:45a arrive at Sweetwater
     9a - 6p INTERNSHIP and lunch in there somewhere for an hour
     6p leave Ft. Wayne
     7:30p get home
     8p eat dinner
     8:30p - ? unwind, chill, do 'homework' on things i learned today at internship
     10:35p go to bed
     11p actually turn phone off and sleep


Now in a real world setting I will not be living an hour away from my job (hopefully) and so I will sleep more and be able to have more "evening."

Something that has been hard for people to understand is that I am not actually doing any work. This does NOT mean I am not learning. I have learned several small but very significant things that will help me in the future and I'm so excited to implement them! As intern, I can touch cables, hang mics, organize things, ect. but I CAN NOT touch sessions. Because Sweetwater is a working studio, the sessions that the employees are working on are for paying clients. For example, today one of the guys bounced some files out for Simon Cowell. Yes... like Idol's Simon Cowell. Small world. So yah.. ain't no way I was gonna touch those. But also on that same note, I was able to "start up" some sessions for another employee by importing session data and changing I/O's. {blah blah blah, technical jargon}

If you could please keep some things in your prayers I would be super stoked!
     - safe travels, 800 miles a week is a lot of driving and there are TONS of dumb people on i-69...
     - that I will be able to continue to "soak up" some of the wisdom these gentleman have. Many of them have been at sweetwater for 6 or more years and the Team Lead is a ProTools Master (kind of a big deal, only 12 in the world, AND a Grammy winning producer... nbd.)
     - rest. as you can imagine, getting roughly 7 hours of sleep a night is hard for me to function, especially since this is "summer". Last Saturday I slept in from 10pm - almost 11am. I guess I was tired.

You're awesome! Thanks for reading about my life! <3