Monday, January 30, 2012


Last week was the beginning of a process called pledging.. It involved 4 get together with the Sisters of Sigma Alpha Iota at Ball State University.

Yesterday the sisters voted on who to give a bid to. A bid is basically them saying we love, be our sister. In the moments before a meeting with the VP, to see if I recieved a bid. I was nervous, excited, scared, and worried all wrapped up into a feeling of comfort. No matter how that meeting went, God has already written the next chapter of my life.

Now the awkward part could be that I'm living with 3 other sisters next year so if I didn't get a bid.. well you can imagine how that is awkward.

Here goes!

As I walk up the stairs in MU from the coke lobby to the SAI Office thoughts race, doubt raises and I wonder.. did they like me?

I wander around the second floor looking for the room. I see Kari sitting in an office and my heart starts to race. She has me step in and sit down. "I have to do this with everyone" and she hands me an envelope.

I stuggle to open it. I open the top like a normal person but the cardstock is stuck inside. So excited and nervous, I just rip the envelope in half.

I got a bid.

From here on the rest of the week are various days and Thursday I turn in my bid to them to join. This is very exciting.. and there will be many more comments to come. But last week was so worth it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

running into the ground

ugh. so.. its sunday. that means a whole weeks has already passed.. dang! I'm so sleep deprived its not even funny..

Pledging SAI is goign great.. today there is the final "party" and the sisters are voting after the event. The week is as follows:
Bid Day
Day of Questioning
Day of Silence
Decision Day
It's a very exciting process.. We'll just have to see how monday goes!

Exciting factoid about Tuesday.
Tuesday is Jan 31st.
Jan 31st is the day that I find out about my CIY application!

I have worked WRF 1st shift and today 2nd shift and I'm so tired.. really needing some healing and rest. Also.. I'm not feeling well for some reason. Is it possible that your body retaliates against you?

Being 20 isn't much different from being 19.. hmm..

well.. i wish i could say good night but my day is just beginning.. good morning!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

change is coming

don't worry.. i realize the font i picke out is hard to read and i will be chaning it toinight at work.

looking forward to the new changes!

wordception !!!!!

Here is my first assignment for ICOM 210.. enjoy.

We Know We Know That We Don’t Know…

Even before this article, I was aware that I didn’t know everything. I completely understood that and was fine with it. I thought I knew quite a bit though, for  a 20 year old. After reading the article however, I quickly began to realize how little I really know and just how much I think I know.
In just one aspect of my life, I realized that I know about 5%, don’t know about 30% and I have begun to realize that I didn’t even kn0w I didn’t know the rest. Which was the basis from the article.
From this piece, we learned a new way of categorizing our unknowns: “de-risking.” The author sums up that what we previously thought of as knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns and converting the known unknowns (and the knowns) into knowns and converting the unknown unknowns into known unknowns. Too much knowing? Here’s a break down.

First 3 Categories:
Things We Know: knowns
Things We Know We Don’t Know: known unknowns
Things We Don’t Know We Don’t Know: unknown unknowns

“De-Risked” into 2 Categories:
Things We Know: knowns & known unknowns
Things We Know We Don’t Know: convert unknown unknowns to known unknowns

The reason the known unknowns go under Things We Know in the “de-risked” category is because we are aware that we don’t know everything and so the only things we truly don’t know are what are unaware of that we don’t know. In other words, we don’t know that we don’t know the material or knowledge.
After you wrap your head around that, de-risking is a process that takes the unknown unknowns out of the equation, leaving you with only things you know and things you know you don’t know. Which really give you a platform to continue to learn about the things you know you don’t know.
To transition away from “knowing” everything, now that we know we don’t, I leave you with the Webster’s definition of knowledge and ask you, how much do you know?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

well look who's 20

look at that.. its my birthday, again.

I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes.. they really have brightened my day.

Also, I would like to say that apparently Gravity's gift to me was moving a sidewalk curb and slamming me into the ground at 8:15am this morning at the chirp light. My gift? A nice purple, brown and green bruise.. I think she's in cahoots with Earth..

Thank you too everyone who has shaped me into the person I am and will become as I step into my 20's. woah.. that sounds weird!

Friday, January 20, 2012


It is something I once had, have lost, and am trying to regain. Tonight, I struggle to stay awake for my shift and find myself being impatient and annoyed. Students who are coming in are being boisterous and well.. its a Thursday so some have "indulged". 
I am reminded by the example of us to Jesus to be patient. We run, fight, kick, and scream away from Him but He is patient every time, loving and caring none the less ever.
Why don't we just understand? Why can't we just obey? Questions I ask myself all the time..

CIY Update:
Well.. my application is being looked at now. I'm not sure how many other applicants there were or how likely I am to get the position.  Circumstances in Muncie have changed and I now have a May lease in a house. I am ready for either situation the Lord will deal me, but I'm so eager to know. If I do not get the CIY Internship, I am looking at the likely possibility of living in Muncie and getting a full time job. Don't worry - I'll still come home some over the summer..

Just wanted to keep you in the know..

School: Spanish is a different style than what I'm used to.  History 150 is boring.. I've never enjoyed History.  Aerobics is hilariously fun every time.  Womens Chorus (WoCho) has been very difficult. It's hard for me not to get frustrated when we sing in solfedge and not the words.. I've been getting very lost & confused lately. Both my ICOM & CAP classes are going well (both internet based) and I'll get around to Photoshop eventually.. MMP is quite possibly my favorite class though. It is the best hour and a half on T/R every week. ummm.... I think that makes 19 credit hours..

SAI. Sigma Alpha Iota rushing/pledging starts next week.. I'm very excited to be doing this but it is very time consuming. Not only are there evernts T,W,R,F,Su I work W,R,F,Sa next week.. I'm crazy.

Well.. I think thats all I've got..


Thursday, January 19, 2012

my teenage girl moment

Three years ago today, I began a new chapter in my life. A chapter that would include Billy Jones in it. Not just as a friendship, but a relationship that would grow to become my best friend. As I look back over the past three years I can't help but think about everything we have been though and how it has made us better. How much we have grown individually and how we have helped one another grow.

It's really.. well.. awesome. Not only awesome because what started as a high school relationship has grown into something much bigger, but it's awesome to be dating my best friend. I wouldn't trade any moment from the last 3 years for anything! Not a single argument, any situation or any circumstance. The past 3 years have been one of the biggest blessings in my life. He has helped me in more ways than he knows, from the dance recitals and other "boyfriend duties" to finals weeks, just being there when I need a hug and inviting "the girlfriend" to recording sessions.

Shoutout to everyone who has helped us become the people we are and the courage to stay strong in a world of temptation. Every day is a battle in an environment full of sex and partying but daily I am reminded of a loving God who has better plans for us. Thanks for every prayer ever lifted up, for either of us.

So.. As I conclude my teenage girl moment, here's to the last 3 wonderful, amazing, awesome, great, crazy, ridiculous, intense, busy years and every memory, story, joke, and moment in between January 19th 2009 and today, January 19th 2012, I hope we have many more together.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

well ello freind

yes, ello.

tis been a while. and that is my wrong doing. i am a very busy person you see. tis a new year now. break was refreshing & much needed.

I hope you read all of the above in a British accent. If you did not, I encourage you to go back and begin reading this again. 

Spring 2012 will be a very busy semester. 19 credit hours making up 8 classes. I am looking forward to them while trying not to be bitter about not having any TCOM classes. I have already seen a lack of interest in myself in my classes. I want nothing more than to be in hands on classes and i have all book classes this semester. soon i will find out information about SAI pledging and that's exciting.

My trip to Tacoma just keeps getting closer and closer. It's really awesome to think that it's actually happening now, this is real. I look forward to what God has planned and what I will be doing in Tacoma with Network.

In transition, I recently submitted an application for CIY Summer MOVE Internship. I hope that everything was according to specifications. I am looking forward to the results of that, I will found on on the 30th if I recieved the internship or not. Either way I know God will be glorified though all of this and i have to look for Him in either situation.

Adjusting to campus food, new classes, a strange bed, and odd work hours has me pretty messed up.  This semester will be jam packed and with that I am praying for health. It never fails that I get sick every year. I have classes that only allow 2 absences and I pray I needn't use any. Also, another goal I have is dean's list again... I've done it once, now I'm determined to do it again.

Prayer requests:
physical strength: I have aerobics class 2x a week and it will be taxing. I am determined to get fit but i pray that my body not get injured in the process and i become stronger
mental endurance: with 3 online classes, i am responsible for remembering when things are due, what is due and when in addition to 5 classes that meet.
womens chorus: yup.. me, Jess Cooney, am enrolled in a choir. I am determined in my ways that I will learn once and for all. I am going to do it. I will.

well... i'm not quite sure what else there is to say.. it's 2:45a and i'm exhausted.. half an hour until shift change and i get to sleep until 8:45a... it can't go fast enough.

With Love,