Wednesday, July 27, 2011

late night buzz

After having wonderful conversations at Starbucks, now I sit in my room, confident that the Lord will lead me to where I need to be. The assurance is coming from somewhere new, someplace I've never felt it before. A comfort so great, that my greatest fears are even at bay.  He is my hope, my strength, my everything.  Tonight, I sit in silence - which is very abnormal. The back and fourth motion of a fan and the typing on my fingers on the keyboard is all I hear, and I am content with this.

"I may be weak, but your spirits strong in me, my flesh may fail, my God you never will"

what a powerful statement. that pretty much sums of my life right now.. I'm trying to learn more and more everyday but I'm still weak but the Spirit is strong and alive.  I will sin and sin and sin.. I'm human.. that's what we do.. but our God is so greatly above sin. His holiness covers my sin and His grace and forgiveness accepts me no matter how much I mess up.

So thankful for a sovierign God.