Friday, April 20, 2012

One. Week. Left.

[insert Hallelujah chorus from Hadel's Messiah]

Wow.. this last month has been crazy.. sorry to keep you all in suspense and wondering what I've possibly been doing. So here's a recap in no specific order:

+ Sigma Alpha Iota: yup, I've been pledging a fraternity. Yes, I said fraternity. I can explain all of that later.
+ ICOM: I've had a love hate relationship with this class.. our final project was to create a social media website:
+ Network Tacoma: the website is final live!!!!! Awesomesauce. You should check it out. Network is truly a great organization and the work of God is in everything they do. My week out there was more of a blessing to me than my presence was a blessing to them. I've even decided to maintain their website for the near future.
+ Applying for new jobs after quitting night staff in March. The most recent applications are Booking and Communications Coordinator at the Scene at Indiana Public Radio and a secretarial job in the Office of Finance at BSU. Both of these jobs would be very fitting, have summer hours but I really have high hopes to get the job at the Scene. It would be a great way to get my foot in the door of the industry that I hope to go into.
+ Move in to our house on the 1st!!!!!! So ever excited... :)
+ SoM Formal is Saturday night

Really all I have left is that I have to finish up some projects and then finals. I'm not really too worried about school now. It's the homestretch and it's kind of an easy one now.

I apply for classes in 45 mintues and will soon be posting about that I'm sure.

Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth but life got busy.
