Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome Back! [thud]

that's the sound of assignments being dropped on me like they're going out of style.

Before the end of the month is over these assignments are due:
10 page paper over Twitter's effect on war/revolt (9 days)
15 minute Spanish presentation (7 days)
Sigma Alpha Iota National Exam - history memorized; some verbatim (17 days)
History Test (5 days)
Spanish Exam (13 days)
Women's Chorus Concert (12 days)
launch a website - ICOM - (2 days)
CAP ???? I don't even know! 


So, In summary. Please pray for me.  I am not trying to have a woe is me pity party, simply asking for prayer. After seeing all of these things I feel like I am defeated. Please partner with me to stay calm, not hate my professors and possibly that some will have mercy.. Also, that the stress does not effect me much..
