Wow.. so much is happening in my days here.
So far today:
- good morning
- Starbucks (Tall Carmel Latte w/ Carmel Drizzle)
- me time
- Staff meeting
- website
- Lunch at Fruggles with Kirstan
- errands with Kirstan
DNA group
who knows!
My time here is really being used. I'm so welcomed here and it's great. He is doing great things in my life right now. I'm not sure how I can really word this but God is cultivating my heart for His Kingdom and how I can best fit in to serve. I know this sounds crazy, but can you partner with me to pray for my future? You may be feeling like that is far away but in all reality, it's within 3 years. I only have 2 years left of school, so what does that timeline look like - how do I pursue Kingdom work while using my talents I am learning in school? Also, for the relationship between Billy and I and how that will play out. I mean.. c'mon, we all know it's leading up to marriage but how does His timeline look and give us the patience, wisdom and trust to follow it. Another thing about our relationship is pray that we continue to follow the Holy Spirit in all of our actions, both individually and as a couple. Being here in Tacoma with the Landon's is really giving me a good idea of what it's like to live out God's word. Its very encouraging.