Yes yes, I hope you heard the Owl City song in your head right now. :)
My day began by awakening at 5:30a to a bright sky (not sunny just bright) and dozed on and off until 7a.
Today was a wonderful sermon at about 1 Corinthians 2:2-4.
- He works through our weakness
- Though we have nothing, we have everything, we have the Lord.
- Rely and trust in the Spirit, not your ability to be "smart"
Then it was off the Seattle.
Seattle highlights included:
- Pike Place Market featuring:
"One crab, clean it!"
The transformer man
Music of course!
- down on the water:
Starbucks (I know, I didn't go to the original one because the line wrapped around and out the door!)
Ivar's - the closest thing to Irish fish n chips I've had in America
Gum wall - yeah.. Not just a tree, a whole wall!
- this one park
At the park we had a gorgeous view downtown Seattle. The sun was setting and the city was coming to life. It was in this moment I realized I might want to live here. Not necessarily IN Seattle, but perhaps a suburb. I know the music scene is hot, I don't think finding a job will be hard, and now I'm just praying for His will to be shown. I don't care where I am or what I'm doing as long as I know it I His will. That's the whole reason I'm in Tacoma in the first place!
I am already well rested but I am off to bed once again for a wonderful day tomorrow filled with time at Network and dinner and fellowship with some of the ladies.
PS: note from yesterday, really cool coffee shop (somewhere close to me, I think) called Metronome.