After the beautiful drive from Tacoma to SeaTac, the chaos began.
Yesterday when I checked into my flight, I noticed my seat had been changed. I continued in the process and would ask at the desk in the morning. Well, its was now morning and the question had arose again... Unfortunately, the lady at the counter could not help me but said those at the gate may be able to help. So, then through security I go!
troll lol lol la lol lol la
Huh? My bag is needing checked?! So then I hastily gather my belongings and step aside. Apparently, my BIBLE was suspicious. I put it in the same exact spot as when I came. But I was freaking out for about 2 minutes.. but after a rescan all is well.
As I arrive in terminal N, I search for a restroom and Starbucks. To my relief I found both. :) Shortly after, I approached the counter and asked the nice ladies behind there. She explained that they are currently workign on another flight but in about 30 mintues, the attendants who will work on my flight will be here soon.. The only available seat on the plane is in 1st class, and this whole situation is upsetting because I had the seat reserved already. It was confirmed..
All I can do is trust in the Lord that He will provide or take care of me on the plane.. Now it is a waiting game. I just know I would love to not be nauseous for four hours as I sit in the back of the plane..