It's real, it's finally happening. I woke up to immediately praise Him because He made this all possible.
So.. I know you probably don't want to know everything about my morning, but I want to remember every moment. So here:
7:30a text from Orbitz, flight is on time.
then the excitement began!
8:30 arrive at IND
check in
Se-Cur-Ity! (I hope ya'll get this.. if not, watch this video at 1:30 in)
people mover
gate A17
I am so excited, blessed, and in general just happy! How many other college kids want to go to Seattle where there is it's cold, wet, and hardly an sun? (I'll give you a second to look around...)
No? Can't find any? Me! Sign me up, any day! I know this week is going to be amazing! I am so excited.. and I get to time travel! ;)
I can't imagine doing anything else with this week off of school.. Honestly, I am speechless and in awe. I can't say anything else that I haven't said before.... besides I managed to make a pretty sick playlist that I'm proud of.