Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wait it's Wednesday

Yeah.. I'm playing the whole catchy name game.. haha :)

Today was super awesome. We went in this morning, got some web stuff done then it was already lunch time! Lunch was at Southern Kitchen. I drank sweet tea out of a mason jar.. that's one more thing to cross off my bucket list. The food was delightful there.

After lunch, we went to Shakabrah's to work on the website. Wondering what the password to the wifi was, this is the conversation we had with the staff:

(Us) What's your pa-
(Staff) Breakfast with a capital B
(Us) Okay. [looked at each other]

Then the discussion of hipsters came up and good times were had.

After Shakabrah's we went to Chambers Bay and chilled at the park.. watched the ocean, the Olympic Mountains and an amazing sunset. Also, all day long Mt. Rainer was out and shining. I was in awe all day long because it just is so incredibly gorgeous that "this isn't real life." I'm not entirely sure how many times I said that! haha. But really, Mt. Rainer was so beautiful today.

After a wonderful Wednesday, we finished it off with dinner with Paige and watching Hugo. As my week comes to a close I am really trying to savor everything God is doing and will do. I think it's too soon to say whether or not I'll be back in Tacoma anytime soon, but God definitely is going to keep me involved in Network. As I've been working on the website, I've also agreed to help update it. This, I know, will be a total blessing to Network because things can get pretty crazy around here but updating the website is something I can do that shouldn't take me too long.

I'm excited to see what the next three years of my life looks like and this time off of school has definitely been a good time to step back and examine areas that have needed attention or thought. As I plan to move forward in my life, I pray that I will take back the bold faith that is exampled here by the members of SOMA & Network and apply it to my life. That may be, perhaps, the lesson I have learned most.. Our faith is a daily commitment, something to be lived out at all moments of the day. Your faith should be you life, not just an event on Sundays or when things aren't going well.

On that note, I sign off and look forward to a day filled with technological jargon as we finish up the website and make final touches before dealing with companies to transfer hosting, emails, domains and all other things involved with a non-profit website. Please partner with me in prayers that this update into the 21st century for Network will transition smoothly and this new site will be a way to help for years and years to come.
