If you might not have noticed, before yesterday I had not posted since May. I just got busy. Really, really, really busy.
God has been doing some pretty amazing work though. Even when there isn't much happening, He is preparing your heart for what He will do next.
Lately I have become more intentional. Intentional in relationships, conversations, prayer, and even my health. As I was telling Billy earlier for the first time in college I am completely happy. I am 1000% yes, one thousand percent happy with the sate of my life. I wouldn't change anything, because the way my life is right now is the way He has orchestrated it.
Everyday I am learning new things and God is revealing more and more of my story to me. But there are some things I know that will stay. <3 Those are what keep me going.
So, everyone who is trying to keep up with my life, I will post more this summer. Here is a brief recap of May:
- May 5th move into Granville house!
get cable, air conditioning, other housely things
- May 18th Southmont Royal Mountie Spring Concert
that Bethy Jones girl did a pretty good job and had on an adorable dress!
- came home every weekend to see family
- applied to almost every place in Muncie
- While my Muncie Summer has been "uneventful" I already have plenty of stories and "remember that one time's"
June will hold exciting things:
- Ichthus
- Spanish 102
- get a job?
- Billy get a job... 2nd interview at KFC at 10:45am... yes, 8 hours from now :)
- acknowledging 3 1/2 years of awesomeness with Billy Jones <3
- C25K : Couch to 5K journey
Ummm... yeah... I think that's about it.. and I'll try to blog more.