He will take "your plans" and reveal His to you. Sound familiar or would you like an example? Well... Here's a few.
- I wanted a part time summer job, Go delivers a full time job.
- I wanted 3rd shift, Go provides 1st enabling me to have a social life in Danville.
- I wanted to be in Muncie to spend time with Billy and my friends, God gives me said job... In Lebanon. Meaning I must move back home.
- I wanted to have fun and hang out and work on my relationship with Billy, God wants my whole heart.
12 hours later I am no longer bitter or angry with God. I am at peace. He has to have something planned. I know He knows what's best.. The hard part is surrendering. Taking everything I had planned and throwing it out the window. This will be a good thing. I know moving home will deliver me from a few kinds of temptation, allow me to connect with Northview and small group again, make some money and experience some new things...
Surrendering is not easy.
In the mean time could you pray? After my interview I was supposed to hear back about scheduling my orientation. I have not heard back yet and also my dates off for Ichthus are pending. I know God has it figured out, and I'm sure since he got me the job he will help me go to Ichthus but just to be sure.. Your prayers would be appreciated. I will patiently wait until Monday before I call Pearson.
I pray that I can continue to trust in Him and know that I may go to Ichthus. I am ever so excited for it....
Until next time...