One year ago today, I was in beautiful Ireland about to learn things I had never thought about before. One year later, I reflect and see what God has brought me thorough, what He has taught me and how every moment of stress, peril, fear, love, praise, and joy was part of His plan. He has something far greater planned for my life than I could ever imagine.
In the last year He has been with me every step. Even when I ran away, He loved me.
From Ireland, through sophomore year, to Seattle and now.
In the past 365 days, I have learned a lot about myself. And today I learned one more thing.
Today, I learned how passionate my heart is for the Kingdom of God. I also learned that I rarely act upon it. This morning during worship, I truly felt the a calling that I should somehow be involved in a movement for the Kingdom. Now, I have no clue what this may be and I have no clue when this could happen. But I am thoroughly excited for the opportunity.
I am beyond thrilled that in 2 years, when I graduate college, I will be moved (quite literally). I guess I am more writing for myself now, than for your knowledge. But I am so ready to be radical... a good kind of radical not a crazy bible beating "love Jesus" kind of radical.
God works a lot in a year... What has He done for you in the last 365 days?