As you may know, I have been seeking employment since March. The offer has always stood to go back home for the summer and work. I was dead set on finding something here in Muncie and I was sure with 8,000 college students leaving there would be something!
Well... apparently I was wrong, and still have not yet found a job. So, yesterday after calling the 4 most recent applications, I went out on a whim and filled out an application for Pearson Education in Lebanon. Not ideal, but it's a job.
This morning I was awakened to a loud noise (my phone) and not having even been awake, I look and it says a 765 number from Lebanon, IN. I knew it was them. So, obviously I answered. Come to find out I didn't have a voice.. well much of one.
After a 5 minute chat or so, I now have an interview Monday at 11am in Lebanon for a full time job. I am so thrilled. I do not know if anyone else has interviews or if I'm pretty much "in".
Another moment of God's faithfulness, Billy got hired at KFC! He had orientation yesterday and his first day is Tuesday at 2. I knew he now has a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders.
Well... that's what's up in Muncie...