Monday, August 22, 2011

year two. in less than 8 hours I will be sitting in my first class of my sophomore year. I start my major and minor this semester. And before classes have even begun I have been assigned 5 chapters to read before 8/31.. oh geez..

there are several things on my mind tonight.. not quite a racing mind but rather floating thoughts gently passing through..

after reflecting on the week of band camp, i have several thoughts.
       wow do i feel like im getting old
       i no longer match any of my make up.. i am at least 5 shades darker
       it is totally worth it to spend 18 hours a day for 7 days in a row for a 5 minute show.. totally.
       good friendships will be made and there is good craic to be had.
       i will NOT miss LaFollette Buffet
       some people just can't do color guard
       sometimes i care too much..

band camp was great times.. i could live without the pain or uneven tan but thats all part of it isnt it? im not sure band camp would be the same without it..

as i write out my schedule for the next week it looks monotonous and like i will be a zombie.. i take refuge in knowing that the last week of august not only do i get to sleep in on saturday and sunday, i only work wednesday of that week and my 28 hours will be completed by then.

some of the best things i am enjoying of my job are talking to the people.. drunk or sober, as well as having time to mentally chill.

to do for the week & things you can pray for:
        reading for 331
        playlist for work - that just one song may stick with someone and make a difference
        aching body to stop aching
        classes start, not to be overwhelmed
        working the rest of my shifts.. mon 11:50-3:20, wed 3:20-7, fri & sat 11:50-3:50
        church home - where is right in Muncie for me?

thank you so much, you are awesome

in the words of the Golden Girls, thank you for being a friend.
