Wednesday, August 10, 2011


today, i was challenged to be intentional. intentional in everything i do, to the littlest detail. well.. challenge accepted. i was also challenged to update said blog on the detail of this challenge.. again, challenge accepted.

        - be intentional
        - start small group/bible study at BSU
        - pray for 3 people until winter break
        - meet weekly and discuss week
        - go through "You Can Change"

i am greatly looking forward to this.. i am thankful for the people who gave me this idea and also excited about how this challenge will blossom.

keep looking back for updates from me at Ball State, marching band endeavors, stories of fun times as well as things i'll be going through, like rediculous projects that eat part of my soul and prayer request i may have.

thank you to everyone.. for being there. for being awesome. and helping me be who i am.  if i can ask one thing of you, it is to keep me accountable to my faith as well as this challenge.