wow, this week has come and gone and also blended with band camp. honestly, i don't think i will know what day it is until well.. tuesday? i'm not really sure.
adventures of the week:
first day of classes
3rd night of consecutive work
slept till noon..
realized how hard my semster will be
realized that i may actually never have a job, just freelancing.. how comforting.
threw my MuHis book across my room but made sure it landed flat.
mocktails & homework (what will become a weekly tradition)
slept until noon.
roomie breakfast
blew up on the practice field
work till 4a
a few comments from the week:
oh the innocence of freshman, willing to talk to anyone about anything..
i think i need a tutor in MuHis.. thats lame.
lipton raspberry iced tea = new fav. bottled tea
i have in fact discovered how to nap and not wake up grumpy its GLORIOUS
wanna pray for me?
in leading my roomies in a book/bible study, what book, what book of bible?
with major related courses, 52% of my schedule, 12 of class a week and 40+ expected outside of class
MuHis.. of geezzz.... yeah..
1st sunday back at MAC, getting more involved?
week 2 to go as well as this week, figure out homework schedule - spending more time in Club Bracken
Ichthus Music Festival - financial issues, may not have another event. =(
Ball State University - God to be alive and present on this campus, true gospel shared and spoken.
things ive learned this week
no where on campus has good drinking water this year
Muncie is hotter than I remember in August
this semester is gonna be crazy..
Watching LA Ink makes me want a tattoo
Our God is sooooooooooooooooooooo good. His words are true, always. Sovereign, loving, forgiving, always with arms wide open. We are not alone, He is here with us.