Saturday, February 4, 2012

God is still God

As many of you know, I applied for a CIY MOVE Summer Internship.

This morning, like every morning after my alarm goes off, I checked my email. This not only gives me a few more minutes under the covers but gets my brain going before my body. Well.. a much awaited email from CIY was waiting in my inbox.

After reading the email in its entirity, I soon realized this summer was goign to be awesome. Because God is still God. No matter what.

Confused? Well, I did not get the internship but I was ready for that. As the month of January progressed my heart began to realize that maybe I would be in Muncie this summer. As we found a house, signed a May lease, discovered the Ichthus lineup and began to hunt for a job, I almost wanted to stay in Muncie as much as I wanted to get the CIY internship.

God has His plan, I'm just navigating through it. I know this is part of it. Maybe I'm supposed to go to Ichthus and hear a really awesome sermon, or have a crazy awesome God moment. Maybe I'll get a really awesome job where I get to share God with someone everyday. Maybe, just maybe.. (wink wink) He has something really great in store for me this summer, and CIY just wasn't part of that plan.

It's silly to fight God. I'm not angry that I didn't get the internship. Not one bit, because I know God can do awesome things in Muncie with me just as much as He can traveling with CIY.

When some might look at God and ask "Why not?" I'm looking at Him asking "What's next?"
