In 5 years, where do I see myself?
This is a question all too familiar for college students. Honestly, I don't know. I don't think I'll be able to answer that question until I graduate, and even then, that may not be where I am in 5 years.
Where do I want to be in 5 years?
Now that is a much easier question. I have several hopes, aspirations, and dreams for myself in 5 years but the most important is praising God daily. Ideally, I would love to work for a Christian label, studio, or company in either Seattle, Nashville, or Maryland. Little steps though. There will be jobs I don't like, there will be people who aren't my favorite, but God has put them in my life for a reason. And I hope during the next 5 years I will be able to take every opportunity to share His name.
My determination to pursue the music industry is something that I wholeheartedly believe is a God given passion. There have been so many people trying to stand in my way, so many road blocks have come up but the passion is not dying, it's simply growing stronger. The people who have heard me mix, know my talent. Professors and staff here at BSU though, don't know my talent and it's become a real challenge to prove this. Currently I am struggling with the system to try to get the most out of my education here and modify my degree toward a music production rather than TV/Film production. This has become a lot of back and fourth and waiting. As Course Request is soon approaching, I have yet to finalize anything.
Before mid-March (when Course Request opens), if you could partner with me in praying for this to work out I would greatly appreciate this. I am willing to jump through all of the hoops, I am willing to do what ever I can do to make this work. If I didn't think this could happen I wouldn't believe in it so strongly, but it's just a matter of the right people saying yes. My specific prayer request is this:
- that God may shine in any circumstance involving this situation
- I may be able to handle the decision of "the right people"
- I ultimately will be able to pursue this passion in any way I can