Tuesday, November 1, 2011

b. u. s. y.

thats what I am.. I promise I have not fallen off of the face of the earth.

since we returned from fall break all of the profesors are like "AHHHHHHH We have so much to learn!" which is not cool. so i have been doing homework and more homework and more homework. along with band and work. I have found a few days to chill and just have some me time.

Seattle update: tickets have been ordered! so exciting. as I continue to work things out with Network I ask that you begin (if you have not already) praying for my trip. Some of my requests are:
-this is my first solo trip
-flights to & from go smoothly (literally.. I will fly over the Rockies.. turbulence was awful last time)
-Network & all the people they serve
-how i can serve Network best
-that my time will be used to its best potential
-most importantly that God is glorified through all of this

