Thursday, October 20, 2011

rain and pain but glory to God

Yesterday was a cold and rainy day that reminded me of being in Ireland. With the cold and rain I knew today would be a very sore day. From ankles cracking as I walk to struggling to open a bottle of water yesterday was a rough day, but it truly is okay because God is still God and He plans the weather to His liking.

As the weekend quickly approaches, I am beginning to realize this period before Thanksgiving is crunch time. There should be a name for the time between fall break and Thanksgiving break.. a name that adequately describes the stress level of college students.

S E A T T L E !!!!!
I'm only a little bit excited.. I got my tickets and things really seem to be working out. God totally has His hands all over this and I look forward to doing whatever Network needs me to do and whatever God puts on their workload that I can do. Details are still being hashed out right now but I am so excited and sooooooo looking forward to SB 2012!!!

There hasnt been much going on lately.. other than a lot. haha. There is just a lot of school work that never seems to end and like I said before from now until Thanksgiving I should just lock myself in a room and pound out this work..
