The job hunt is on! And boy, is it scary, challenging, and an emotional roller coaster. It's hard to find the balance of self encouragement, pride, reality, and confidence to keep applying after rejections and under qualifications.
The newest problem is that I don't have an actual music degree. I find this is a standard and that I might be getting straight overlooked because my degree isn't music business, or music production. Additionally I feel like since I don't have a prestigious name next to my degree I'm also getting over looked.
I am trying to have full faith in God, his provisions and timing but when I don't have any direction as to where I should even be applying it's very hard. I know He is good and will open the right door, but when will I know. Haha.. thats a silly question.
Margaux has invited me to go to Nashville with her over Spring Break and this has my head reeling. I am excited for the opportunity but then is that where I'm supposed to be. The thought of moving away in May and being away from Billy and my family is really hard. A hard reality that hadn't really hit me until today.
Also, moving away! Where? What if I don't have a job. Do I just up an move, immerse myself in a town, make it work there? If I move home I know I won't be devoted to moving away because I'll be working and taking time away from the job hunt. Nothing in college prepares you for this. The fear and confusion that approaches in the months leading up to graduation. I guess I just picked a difficult field, or maybe its a calling rather. I know what I'm doing is right but it is so dang hard.
So for now, I just wait. I seek, pray, and wait. Feeling lost but trusting in Psalm 31:14-15: "But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands"