Friday, September 27, 2013

Appreciation to Musician

Two years ago, if you had told me I would eventually sing in choir and like it as well as learn guitar, I would have told you no way! Two years ago, if you would have told me I would be in a fraternity, I would have told you no way!

Since January 2012 I have been on an exciting adventure of musicianship. Learning how to better read sheet music, how to sing and even play guitar. Now, I find myself set to play a song on guitar for a recital in November.

Yes.. me, perform a guitar piece.. in November. crazy.

All of this goes to say that I am very grateful for the group of ladies that took a chance on the non-music major and taught me most of what I know. I realized tonight in chapter that I was identifying actual notes on the page.. trust me, that's a big deal.

So I guess I said all this just as a thank you. So... to all those before and all those to come, SAI is more than a sisterhood, it's friendship and music for life.

And music truly is the sweetest gift to the soul.
