Monday, October 22, 2012

pack up'n'leave

Ugh... some days that's exactly what I want to do.. is just pack up and go.

Leave Indiana and just work and live for Jesus and be awesome.. it is so incredibly frustrating to be stuck in school. Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining to be blessed enough to have the opportunity to go to school. But 3 years in I am realizing that the degree and classes I really want are not what I have/can take, nor could I have taken them anywhere else. I want to break all the rules and make my own major.

Jesus broke the "rules" of life. He hung out with the different people. He walked the "path less traveled" not the easy one.. hmm.. it's like he's a role model or something ;)

Guess this is just another young person rant... just stuck in life waiting to break free.. only three more semesters stand in my way of the real world.. and that.. is strange.

That's a strange realization to come to.

I just see my life being like a cocoon and in May 2014, something beautiful is going to break free from that cocoon and bring a new perspective to the world.. add a little piece to the pie ya' know? And I sure hope the 4 years (that I will have spent) in college will be worth something.. 
