Let Your will prevail above all else. Father, turn our hearts of stone into hearts of joy.
Several thoughts run through my head but this I know is true: God is good. Not just like "oh I got to Muncie safe" or "oh I didn't curse today" but If you surrender He can do more amazing things with your life than whatever you have planned. The best way to make God laugh, is to tell Him your plans.
Father, make the desires of our hearts the desires of your heart.
I have never had such a passion like this and I hope it continues to grow. Recently, I have felt a longing from my soul for a close friend. That they might run back to Jesus' never failing love.
Longing from the soul? It is something I cannot explain but my soul was broken for them. A spiritual pain I had never experienced before. A pain I pray I never have I feel again.
Trust God. His love is never failing, His comfort is never ending and no matter what you have done He is there to take you back. Even with all of your brokenness.
We don't have to go very far. All we have to do is turn around. Not even walk and we are already loved!
Finally, Father thank you for divine intervention.
I shall let the above speak for itself but when all your hope, trust, faith and identity is in Christ alone, no matter what material possessions you have or have not, you are richer than the richest Kings of Earth!