wow.. sorry i fell off of the face of the earth. it kinda felt like i did.
From thanksgiving break to now has been one big whirl of events.. I'm not entirely sure what happened. A lot did. A few trips to the ER with Margaux.. lots of stress from projects.. continual sleep deprivation & robotic behaviors..
Its hard to believe there are 7 days until I am back in Danville for a month. I am excited yet terrifeied all at the same time. Finals are going to be crazy hard..
Wednesday - Audio final at 3:30
Thursday - ICOM at noon & Video at 4:30
Friday - MUHIS at noon
then I'm OUTTA HERE!
I do have some great news.. I emailed the director of the MMP (Music Media and Production) major and he said I seem dedicated and he wants to meet to talk about possibly getting into some of the MMP classes.. This whole TCOM thing is just frustrating.. I dont have a single major course next semester yet honors students get every course they want.. NOT FAIR.
I am really excited about the rest of my time here at BSU now. I won't need to take summer semesters and can stay and work..
CIY Internship new: Well.. I want to apply.. its just finding time to edit the dang interview video. I now remember why I chose audio, I do not enjoy being on screen talent nor do I enjoy editing myself on screen.
Ahh.. in this busy time of life I would love some prayers sent up to Muncie.. I know i will need them over the next week. It will be full of packing and studying.