What exactly is money? Why does it matter so much? Why does it take so much to have "nice" things? These were the questions I found myself coming back to today. Honestly, I am a little angry at society. All money is so social currency. Technically, we determine how much a dollar is worth... why did we make everythign so expensive.
As I was walking through campus thinking about the amount of money we spend on things I couldn't help but realize the amount of just what I had in my hands. It was suprisingly more expensive than I thought..
iPod classic
Flip camera
iPhone 4
Now, maybe I'm over reacting but if technology is really cheap (relatively) these products should not have totaled over the $1,000 in retail value that they did. The mark up is ridiculous. Really, the only reason an i(anything) is so expensive is because we pay for the name and the assurance that comes behind it.
Later as I was thinking about college, you know $19,500 (give or take a few hundred) is absurd! Pure mark up! Here's the thing, I love that I have the opportunity to go to school and futher my education and life. I really do value that and am thankful for that. But come on!!!! $19,500! a year! not total, a year!
(insert anger)
There comes a point where you wonder why or if it even matters anymore. Who really cares how much money you have or how much student loans you are swimming in. We live in a debt driven catch 22. You can't have a life with out a college degree, but in order to get that college degree you either have to have a really "good life" (lots of money) or take out all the student loans you need at obscene interest rates that you will be paying off for a significant chunk of your life. Then moving into the job market, often times, you can't get the job without the experience, you can't get the experience without the job tho.
So what matters really? I am completely fine sitting here at Ball State University knowing that I might not get my first job, or my second job as my dream job. I am fine knowing that I might not have a steady income because of the field I am learning and loving. I am completely content in all of these things because no matter what at the end of the day, my God still loves me. Rich or poor, He will love me no matter what! No matter where I am, He will love me. No matter the value of a dollar, He will love me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, no matter what happens, everything will be alright because I trust in Jesus. I have been promised something better & incomparable. I will say there is nothing better than waking up every day knowing no matter what happens I still have God.